Get 5% off for online orders with pickup from a Take a Cake bakery!

Cookie & privacy policy


Take a Cake Ltd (“Take a Cake”, “We”) is a data controller. We are highly responsible to all personal data you provide us with for the purposes of our business. We have created this privacy policy (the “Policy”) to inform our customers and users about all types of personal data we collect through our website and the way we process and store them, in accordance with the applicable national and European legislation.

We collect your personal data only in connection with

(1) online made orders of our products through our website,

(2) the use of our website and

(3) the submission of our newsletter only upon your explicit consent about this, based on our website's instructions.


Ordering Products/Registration

To order our products through the online platform on our website, we need your name, surname, e-mail address, address, and phone number in order to

(1) stay in touch with you in connection with your order and

(2) deliver the order to the address you specified when you requested such type of delivery.

In addition, you can choose to ship from our products to more than one address of your choice. For this purpose, if you wish to ship to other address/es from the originally provided, we also process it/them with your data. Please note that with respect to the third parties addresses and/or additional data you provide us with, you are responsible for providing third parties consent and/or for the update of the address book in your account by deleting addresses.

If you order products from our website as a “guest”, we do not store your personal data after completing the order and delete it as soon as possible after delivery.

If you order products from our website as a registered customer or you simply sign up as a user we retain all the personal data you have provided, as described above, for the sake of convenience of your next order/s. If you register without order, initially we only require your first name, surname and e-mail address to contact you and verify your registration. In addition to these data, we also store the registration information (such as date, time, IP address). For your convenience, we keep track of your order history as well so you can review past purchases and repeat orders if you like.

Please note that If can sign up on our website and create profile/s via Facebook and/or Gmail as well, and we will only receive from you the data you need for your recognition as our registered customer/user – your names and e-mail. With Facebook privacy policies, you can check out here, and with Gmail here.

If by the act of registration you express your consent to receive our newsletter at your e-mail address, then your consent is also being kept by us for the purpose of tracking its validity and until you opt-out the receipt of the newsletter in the easy way appointed by us.

By registering on our website you can:

• make a quick new order;

• check the status of your orders;

• view your old orders;

• make changes to your account;

• change your password;

• enter alternate addresses (other than yours).

Except where we have explicitly stated deadlines for storing your data in this Policy, we retain the remaining personal data for such period as is necessary to comply with our legal, regulatory or internal requirements. Also, we process and store your registration data

(1) as long as we need it for the purposes of our activity, as described in this Policy or

(2) until you change and/or delete any and all part of your data or cancel your registration through the easy way provided by us (for example) here and here (the links are only available to registered and logged-in subjects).

Accordingly, if you withdraw your consent to receive our newsletter, we will reflect this desire and will not use your e-mail for this purpose, where we will continue to store the e-mail together with your other data for our other purposes, as listed herein.

In the event of a legal dispute or in connection with any other need to protect the interests of Taке a Cake and/or if there is a legal obligation for this, we can retain (part of) your data for a longer period of time until the end of the court proceedings, the protection of our interests or the compliance with any legal requirements.

Please note that without the above enumerated data the contact systems and the order/delivery of products cannot operate and we cannot deliver our services to you.

Additionally and voluntarily provided by your personal data other than the requested by us are not stored or processed in any other way, being erased by the fastest way.


The hosting services for our site are provided by, which are our data processors in this case. They have access to your data based on a data processing contract duly signed with us. This ensures that your data is processed and treated with the same responsibility and care as we apply for that data.

When you visit our website, we need standard information for our internet log and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find information such as the number of visitors to different parts of the website. We collect this information in a way that does not identify anyone. We do not attempt to identify the visitors to our website by using data collected in this way. We do not associate any log data collected from our website with personally identifiable information from any source.

Additionally, our website uses logs related to security, technical support, development, server logos etc. Some of them can contain information such as IP address, URL, browser, device. In any case, such information is stored in a way that makes your identification difficult.

Please note that our website can contain links to other websites (other than the link to the website, to whom we are the controller again). However, once you have already used these links and left our website, you should know that we have no control over these other websites. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the protection and confidentiality of any information you provide while visiting such websites, as these websites are not governed by Tаке and Cake's current Policy.

If you express on our website your consent to receive our newsletter on your e-mail address (without registering separately), your consent and your e-mail address will be kept by us for tracking of its validity and until you opt-out the receipt of the newsletter in the easy way appointed by us. We store the data received with respect to our marketing services on the platform of MailChimp. They are certified to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework (this is a mechanism for complying with data protection requirements when transferring personal data from the European Union to the United States) and offer a number of security tools. For more information please visit the explanatory page of MailChimp.

Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp

We would also like to remind you that we use the following text and video sharing platforms - Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. For this reason, our website has integrated buttons to share towards them. The sharing buttons can be recognised by the logo. All sharing buttons are set up in accordance with the relevant privacy requirements. When you click on the relevant “share button” on this website, and only in this case, it establishes a direct link between your browser and the operator's social network operator. Operators of these platforms do not collect personal data from them without clicking on that sharing button. Only registered members are collected and processed such data, including the IP address. If you do not want your visit to our website to be associated with that profile, please log out of your profile on the appropriate platform.

We use these platforms to keep in touch with our customers, but they are not intended to process or access your personal information. However, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of these platforms in order to be informed about the data processed by them. More information about the separate platforms is available here:

You can find us on Facebook. We would like to point out that, we do not receive any information about the content of the transmitted data as well as about its use by Facebook. For more information see Facebook's privacy policy. Please note however that we use Facebook Pixel (see below).

Our website uses plugins from the YouTube website on Google. When you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to map your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. For more information please visit YouTube's policy.

You can also find us on Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+, where we inform you about our product offerings and the news around us. With regard to the data processed by these platforms, you can learn about their privacy policies. For Instagram here, for Pinterest here, and for Google+ here.

Functions of the Twitter service are integrated on our website. These functions are offered by Twitter Inc. Through the use of Twitter and the “Re-Tweet” the web pages your visits are linked to your Twitter account and made known to other users. This data is also transmitted to Twitter.

For more information, see the privacy statement of Twitter. You can change the account settings here.

If you enter our site through a mobile device, you can also follow us on WhatsApp. Get to know the policy of this app.

Online payments and bank transfers

If you wish to use payment services via the First Investment Bank's virtual POS terminal or pay via ePay, PayPal, Easy Pay or B-Pay or by bank transfer, your credit/debit card details as well as some other data may be requested and processed so you can make the payment. These operations are performed in accordance with the applicable data protection laws, and we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the specific privacy policies of the individual companies available on their designated sites.

When making a payment and issuing an invoice, Take a Cake uses your names for accounting purposes. We keep the invoices based on Art. 12 of the Bulgarian Accountancy Act.


We collect your data when you purchase Take a Cake's goods based on our contractual relation with you objectified through your order.

The registration on our website and the provision of data enables us to help you keep in touch and check you orders and because we want to give you the opportunity not to enter your data for each order over and over again. This is our legitimate interest.

We collect your e-mail address to send you our newsletter, as described hereabove, based on your provided consent to do so.

It is our legitimate interest to receive your personal information, as automatically collected by your use of our website. Otherwise, you will not be able to use (the functionalities of) our website.


Take Cake does not give access and does not transfer your data to third parties, except to our above mentioned “helpers” in the technological realisation of the connection with you and the provision of our services (as described hereunder - such as e.g.,, Google Analytics, MailChimp, reCAPTCHA, and Facebook). They enable us to ensure that our services are delivered to you.

If it is legitimate and in our legitimate interest, we can also provide your data to our legal, IT or other consultants for a specific case, for the time required to conduct the consultation and only if it is indeed necessary.


Take a Cake does not transfer your data outside of the EU and/or the European Economic Area. The servers on our website are located on the territory of Bulgaria.

With respect to e.g., Google Analytics, MailChimp, Facebook Pixel and reCAPTCHA, which may store (albeit often fragmentarily and/or without the data to identify you) your data in the territory of third countries (for example, the United States), we have dealt responsibly with our partnership with them and are aware of their privacy policies and the ways in which they provide the proportionate and necessary technical and organisational measures in this regard.


“Cookies” are small text files that are placed on your computer by the websites you visit. They are widely used to make websites work or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners. The cookies that are used by our website are necessary to be able to provide and improve our services and remain competitive. Cookies are not shared with third parties.

Most web browsers allow you to control cookies through browser settings. To learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies were set up and how to manage and delete cookies, visit:

Cookies on our website

In order to make our websites attractive to visitors and allow the use of certain features, we also use cookies on different pages. They allow us to restore information about our customers and users to our website by identifying them and allowing the tracking of their actions, the websites they visit, the hyperlinks they use, the information they use and record etc. Most of the cookies we use are deleted at the end of each browser session. Other cookies remain on your final device and allow us to discover your browser the next time you visit the website (permanent cookies). You can set up your browser to let you know when cookies are in place so you can decide whether to accept cookies separately or never to accept cookies. However, you should keep in mind that if you choose not to accept cookies, the functionality of our website may be limited.

Third party cookies

Our website can use features from other websites that may leave cookies. These are third-party cookies and we cannot block or prevent them without removing the feature from our website. For information on these cookies, you will need to check the initiator's website for their cookie policy.

Information about Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics to monitor and report on the use of our website, such as the number of visitors to the website, the search terms used, the pages visited on the website and the time spent on the website. The collected statistics is a necessary condition to ensure and improve our services and remain competitive. Cookies do not identify users or associate your IP address with personally identifiable information. These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our website. We use this information to compile reports and help us improve the website. Cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the website from which visitors visited the website and the pages they visited.

For more information see here. To opt out of Google Analytics tracking on all websites, visit

Information about reCAPTCHA

We use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Inc. to protect your submissions via the registration forms on this site. This plugin checks if you the data is provided by a person or by an automated program (robot) in order to prevent certain website functions from being (ab)used by spam bots. This requires the sending of the IP address and possibly other data required by Google for the Google reCAPTCHA service. For this purpose your input will be communicated to and used by Google. However, your IP address is previously truncated by Google and is, as such, anonymized. Only in exceptional cases is a full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of this service. The IP address provided by reCAPTCHA from your browser shall not be merged with any other data from Google.

This data collection is subject to the data protection regulations of Google (Google Inc.). For more information review Google's privacy policy.

By using the reCAPTCHA service, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above

Information about Facebook Pixel

With your consent*, we use the “visitor action pixel” of Facebook Inc. within our Internet presence. We can use it to track the actions of users who have seen or clicked on a Facebook ad. This allows us to track the effectiveness of Facebook advertising for statistical and market research purposes. The data collected in this way is anonymous for us, ie we do not see the personal data of individual users. However, this data will be stored and processed by Facebook, which will be communicated to you, to the best of our knowledge. Facebook can connect this data with its Facebook account and also use its own advertising, according to Facebook's data usage policy. You can enable Facebook as well as its partners to turn advertising ads on and off Facebook. For this purpose, a cookie can also be stored on your computer.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us about this at [email protected].

*This consent can be declared only by users older than 16 years of age.


We are committed to ensure that the information you provide us is protected. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and management procedures to protect and store the information we collect online. We have also implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard data security and in particular to protect your personal data from risks. These measures are always up to date.


In the statutory limits and conditions you have the right to ask us for information about, copy, access to or deletion of your personal data, and to limit the processing that applies to you. You can object to data processing. You have the right to information and comment on the automated processing of your data, in cases where and if we use one for which you will be duly informed.

If you have not been able to correct your data by yourself in the way designated on our website, you may also ask us to correct or remove any information you believe is inaccurate.

For any of the above requests, please provide a description of the relevant personal details at the following e-mail address: [email protected]. We may require additional proof of identity to protect your personal data from unauthorized access.

If you have any concerns about how your personal data is handled by us or if you would like to complain about the way we treat it, you can contact us to request information - Take a Cake OOD (Ltd.), phone 0888 409 609, e-mail: [email protected]

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe that we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law, you may file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission (


This Policy was last updated in June 2018. We may make changes to it in order to comply with the applicable data protection law. We encourage you to check the Policy for any changes from time to time. It is always available for you in an easy and visible place on our website. Any amendment to the Policy will apply from the date it is published on the website.